CALIDOG Towel for Dogs

CALIDOG Towel for Dogs

Is a Dog Towel Really Necessary?

Most dogs – even those who enjoy swimming – go bonkers when they’re wet. Many dogs will head directly from the bathtub straight to the closest carpet, or sometimes even wall, that they can find, where they’ll begin frantically rubbing their body all over it. So, no; you don’t strictly require a towel for your dog. But if you choose not to use one, be prepared to find very unpleasant and gross spots on the formally beautiful walls of your household.

But aside from protecting your linens and whatnot, there are several reasons to give your dog his own towel. For example:

  • Sharing a towel with your dog might not end well for you. Unless you wash your dog’s towel after every bath, it’ll probably develop a bit of a permanent dog odor over time, which could compromise your normally fresh-as-a-daisy smell. You don’t want your coworkers (or, heaven forbid, your hot date) to think you smell like a kennel. Having a wet dog smell at your house just isn’t very fun.
  • Towels explicitly made for pets work more efficiently and effectively. Most towels designed for dogs (or other furry pets) feature unique materials that will help wick away the moisture more effectively, and several models feature hand pockets, which make it easier to grip the towel while drying off your pup. Our Calidog Towel is made with natural materials, which are comfortable and quality.
  • Pet towels are great on the go. You can also use a pet towel to help wipe down your dog after playing at the local park or splashing in the puddles during a walk. And because most pet towels fold up quite compactly, you can just stuff one in your bag or car.
  • Most pet towels dry quickly. Even though they will hold more water than most terry cloth towels will, high-quality pet towels are usually easy to wring out. They may not be completely dry after doing so, but they’ll usually be dry enough to store easily without soaking your dog’s gear bag.
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